Dr. Florian Klingler

Professor (Jun.-Prof.), TU Ilmenau, Germany


Florian Klingler received his Ph.D. degree (Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude) in Computer Science from Paderborn University, Germany, in 2018 and his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science from University of Innsbruck, Austria, in 2010 and 2012, respectively. In 2012 he was a visiting Research Assistant with the group of Prof. Dr. Jiannong Cao in the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Dr. Klingler held the substitute professorship (Professurvertreter) of the Computer Networks Group at the Dept. of Computer Science, Paderborn University, Germany from 2021 to 2023 and is appointed since September 2022 as Junior Professor at TU Ilmenau, Germany (Tenure-Track W1 → W3). Previously until March 2020 he was a Postdoctoral Researcher (AkadR a.Z.) in the Distributed Embedded Systems Group (CCS Labs) of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Falko Dressler at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute and the Dept. of Computer Science, Paderborn University, Germany. From April 2020 until September 2021 he was a Postdoctoral Researcher (AkadR a.Z.) in the Computer Networks Group headed by Prof. Dr. Holger Karl at the Dept. of Computer Science, Paderborn University, Germany. Dr. Klingler focuses in his research on protocols for adaptive wireless networks in highly dynamic scenarios, with applications in vehicular communications and sensor networks.

Research Group

  • This (fklingler.net) is the official website of Prof. Dr. Klingler. He is coordinating the research group IoT Engineering at TU Ilmenau. The IoT Engineering group is also part of WNC Labs which stands for Wireless Network and Computer/Communications indicating our main research interests.

Research Interest

  • Wireless Networks, Vehicular Networks, Sensor Networks, IoT (Internet of Things).

Let's Collaborate!

  • Feel free to contact us regarding research projects.


  • New Internal Projects launched
    October 14, 2024: Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler and his team launched new internal projects in context of 5G networking and IoT systems specializing in mobile and adaptive audio streaming. [Details...]

  • Best Demo Award at IEEE LCN 2023
    October 03, 2023: Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler and his team received the Best Demo Award at IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) for their work “Demo: Chat Based Emergency Service via Long Range Wireless Communication (LoRa)”. [Details..., Picture]

  • Prof. Dr. Klingler received the Weierstrass Award 2023 for excellent Teaching
    June 16, 2023: Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler received from Paderborn University the Weierstrass Award 2023 for the excellent teaching evaluations of his lectures ‘System Software and System-Oriented Programming’, ‘Computer Networks’, ‘Mobile Communication’ and ‘Networked Embedded Systems’. [Details..., Picture]

  • New BSI/DLR project DeSiRe-NG
    June 01, 2023: Our proposal DeSiRe-NG - DEpendable and Secure Infrastructure for Resilient Next Generation Networks - has been accepted for funding by the German BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik). In this project we will explore the modelling and emulation of 5G and beyond networks targeting resilient communication networks. [Details...]

  • Dr. Klingler appointed as Editor for Elsevier Computer Communications
    April 13, 2023: Florian Klingler has been appointed as Journal Area Editor to the Elsevier Computer Communications’s Editorial Board. [Details...]

  • WNC Labs group and website kick off
    September 16, 2022: The Wireless Network and Computer/Communications (WNC Labs) group is officially starting and its website is being set up. Please note that some information might still be incomplete or missing. [Details...]

  • Dr. Klingler appointed as Junior Professor at TU Ilmenau, Germany
    September 16, 2022: Dr. Florian Klingler was appointed as Junior Professor at TU Ilmenau, Germany focusing on ‘Development of Systems for Internet of Things (IoT Engineering)’, see tu-ilmenau.de/iot for details. [Details...]

  • New IEEE Network article
    April 17, 2022: Our article V-Edge: Virtual Edge Computing as an Enabler for Novel Microservices and Cooperative Computing has been accepted for publication in IEEE Network. [Details...]

  • New DFG project DyMoNet
    July 16, 2021: Our proposal Dynamic Mobile Networks (DyMoNet) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore small cell base stations on cars and resource management in such dynamic environments. [Details...]

  • Substitute professorship held by Dr. Florian Klingler
    July 13, 2021: Dr. Florian Klingler will hold the substitute professorship of the Computer Networks group starting October 1st, 2021. []

Selected Publications (see full list)